Adding LayerSLider WP To The Eva Child Theme (replacing its default slider)
Hi everyone,
I'm using the Eva child theme which uses the EasingSlider plugin to display the large homepage top slider. However with this slider I can only put images in the slides, no text, buttons, videos, etc. So I'm trying to replace it with the
WP LayerSlider (great slider by the way). I see in the functions.php this code that I assume activates the EasingSlider:
// Add Easing slider to the header
function child_slider_init() {
if (is_home()) {
if (function_exists('easing_slider')){ easing_slider(); };
add_action( 'appthemes_after_header', 'child_slider_init' );
I've uploaded and activated the LayerSlider plugin and in the LayerSlider documentation it says to add the following code to functions.php file(replacing your_theme and the path as necessary). So what I'm struggling with is basically how to combine the code above and this code to get it working. Any help super appreciated.
/* Include LayerSlider
WP */
// Path for LayerSlider
WP main PHP file
$layerslider = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/plugins/LayerSlider/layerslider.php';
// Check if the file is available to prevent warnings
if(file_exists($layerslider)) {
// Include the file
include $layerslider;
// Activate the plugin if necessary
if(get_option('<your_theme>_layerslider_activated' , '0') == '0') {
// Run activation script
// Save a flag that it is activated, so this won't run again
update_option('<your_theme>_layerslider_activated' , '1');