Additional Actions
I have a Question, because I won't change the core theme files in future.
It is a problem, when you don't release Patch - Archives anymore.
Bot don't understand me wrong. The Auto-Update is the best way you can do.
Could you please add more Action-Calls in your Code?
We have develop lots of extra functions für jobroller, like other payment methods (invoice/accounting), company-wide logos and coupon-codes, in an extra extensions.
These functions are called by actions, we had insert into the jobroller code.
We run these functions for about 3 monts without problems, so I could share these tested-extensions with you.
Especially it would be good to have these actions:
In File: /
wp-content/jobroller/includes/forms/edit-job/relist-job-process.php && submit-job/confirm-job-process.php
After: $jr_order->insert_order();
Call of Action: do_action( "jr_extra_before_sending_paypal", $jr_order);
In File: /
Before: if (isset($_POST['featureit']) && $_POST['featureit']) :
Call of Action: do_action( "jr_extra_before_relisting", $job_details);
I hope, I wrote in correct forum.
Thanks for your answer!