Calling all veterans to my pity party
Hey Veterans...
I'm a novice and could really use some sound advice - if you're willing. I promise I won't hold anything against anyone - I just really need someone to tell me the "what for" about how all this stuff works. (Hey Mods - perhaps a "Big Brother" / "Big Sister" Thread is needed on this site!
Anyway, I purchased JR through a gentleman who put me on his server and basically said "have fun!" He means well and I'm grateful for any/all help he's given me but that being said, he's just too busy (I'm one of like 300 clients) to answer a lot of my questions. AppThemes makes it easy enough to set up a site - but that's about the extent of my knowledge of JR. Don't get me wrong; I've tried desperately to educate myself; I've read every mod and tutorial about JR on this site (not a whole lot of meat there), purchased a subscription to (then found out there isn't anything about JR on it), asked several questions on this forum (they either go unanswered or "code talk" is given and I don't understand the answer). So...sorry for the pity are my actual questions:
How can I learn more about JR and/or how to change/fix things on JR? And --- I don't have the money to hire someone to do it for me!
What is "My Admin PHP?!" A response to one of my questions was to go there (to see / filter the city for the resumes that are posted on my site).
Now I can't view the resumes on my site - it says I don't have permission to access. How can this be if I'm the administrator?
The guy who put me on his server gave me a code to CPanel. What is this / is this what I need to figure out in order to be able to fix (the above) and if so, how do I learn more about it?
Any additional sentiment / advice is welcome!
Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully to respond. Sorry for...all of it!