How can I delete google maps? Or have user fill in location manualy
I find that if you fill in the location manually that the Jobroller defaults to an empty result for location - i.e. that you must use the Google Maps and that can be a hassle (not simple - and job boards should be "location" oriented anyways so do not need a map of North America (nor anything really)
Is there a way to remove the Google Maps and just have the author fill in the location manually? Perhaps better - even just allow some one to enter the location manually without having using teh Google Maps - i.e. leave it installed - but not have the result return an empty field.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post :P As well - I want to get rid of teh comments bozes - and the "requirement" / asterix * that an applicant "must" fill in some commentary with their resume submission. I am a professioal recruiter for 20 + years and know what both sides of the equation want - and dislike.