Job type slugs for Indeed jobs incorrect and all grey
I am using Indeed job feeds to backfill the site until I start to receive actual job listings. After upgrading JR to 1.6.1 the job type slugs are now all grey and incorrectly ID the types of jobs listed. Instead of "full-time", "part-time", etc. They all now ID the job as either "Nursing" or "Retail". Now the listings look ugly and don't make a lot of sense. I did not change anything. I merely performed the upgrade. I searched around the forums before I posted but found only one thread and, although similar, did not address my specific situation as I didn't initiate any modifications of my own other than changing the graphic image for the header and putting a link in the footer long before the upgrade. What happened?
This is the site:
Jobcast Central
Last edited by jomarkosabel; June 14th, 2012 at 11:03 AM.