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Thread: JobRoller and Firefox 11.0 unable to add job description

  1. #1
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    eilserus's Avatar
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    JobRoller and Firefox 11.0 unable to add job description

    Not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but when posting a job, in the job description box, I was unable to put the cursor into that text box. Every other box seemed to be fine. Basically I am unable to enter a job description.

    Using Wordpress 3.2.1 and Jobroller 1.5.1

    I disabled all plugins and still no joy. Loaded up Internet Exploder 9 and everything works fine. I was using Firefox 11.0, that was released I think last week? I'm guessing the new firefox version is the issue, because I reverted to Firefox 10 and now everything works fine.

    I'll look into upgrading to the newest version of Wordpress and Jobroller this week sometime, but figured I'd give a heads up. Not sure if I'm the only one who had this issue or if its a problem with current versions of Jobroller software and Firefox browsers.

    Thanks all.

  2. #2
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