jobroller-multiste-members-roles-registration-frontendend toggle
This query is a kind of reprise of this one
Just wondering is there available (perhaps from another previous query or from a gifted moderator) any custom code to allow a user to toggle Subscriber, Job Lister and Job Seeker on the front-end ?
This might be very useful for multisite installations that already have a lot of members and wish to use your theme on one site.
If not, would you ever be so kind to please indicate which files to look in for relevant code and perhaps also to let me know which tables will be toggled ??
As far as i can see (though i am not a coder) the row wp_xx_capabilities (where xx is the blog_id) in the table
wp_usermeta stores the info. Are there any other tables affected ?
Its just to get a handle on how difficult it would be (please feel free to let me know) .
Many thanks