Lot of issues in the latest build
I one installs I updated to the latest build and I see many issues which are also present in the demo.
WP and everything else is all up to date. As I said ... same problems are even all located in the demo.
1. The text field for the message below the submit job button is missing in the admin settings panel
2. The fields to modify the permalinks in the admin settings panel is missing
3. Some fields in the payment settings (i.e. PayPal for IPN, Sandbox API Escrow ..., ) are missing
4. Some strings do not show the translations (in the admin it's Job Categories, Types, Salaries, Tags) even everything is translated in a correct way.
And even after manual update a lot of entries in some fileds in the admin settings were deleted.
I guess the devs may tested the new functions they've created (still don't know 'cause some of them I did not try yet) but most of the old important functions they might simply forgot?!