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Thread: Slow query logs, and my hosting partner pulled down my site

  1. #1
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    Amateur harrybarry's Avatar
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    Question Slow query logs, and my hosting partner pulled down my site

    My site has been pulled offline. I already posed the question in an other topic (Classipress - sorry mod) but maybe there are also Jobroller users who met this problem (before).

    According to my hosting party my site uses a lot MySQL resources. With my limited knowledge I can't figure out what the cause could be.
    I've got around 700 jobs and the tables in my database who are the fullest are :
    • wp_jr_counter_daily 87504 rows and 2,8 MB
    • wp_options 1575 rows and 1,9 MB
    • wp_postmeta 14278 rows and 2,6 MB
    • wp_posts 2220 rows and 7,2 MB

    My Slow query log file from my hosting company stated this:
    Date ///Records examined ///Records sent
    1. 12-06-2012 ///3750 /// 1112
    2. 04-07-2012/// 173725 ///85590
    3. 17-07-2012/// 22876/// 11640
    4. 13-08-2012/// 60869 ///29561
    5. 19-11-2012/// 22564 ///5569
    6. 20-11-2012 ///136367 ///61514
    7. 10-12-2012/// 23490 ///11500
    8. 28-12-2012/// 12344 ///2467
    9. 07-01-2013/// 212932 ///106509
    10. 08-01-2013/// 125677 ///49907
    11. 21-01-2013/// 171922 ///75440
    12. 26-01-2013 ///14803 ///6213
    13. 29-01-2013/// 42834 ///31156

    My activated plugins (which I can't access live in the moment) are:
    1. Akismet
    2. Hello Dolly
    3. nextgen-gallery
    4. fxtender-pro-jobroller
    5. easing-slider
    6. google-analytics-for-wordpress
    7. premium-floating-social-media-icon
    8. wordpress-seo

    Problems that could be the cause of this (on the top of mind) are:

    I've got a tag list which is very long on the homepage
    One of my tables are to big and I need to dump the files (but which one?)

    According the FAQ of my hosting provider these are the causes:
    the lack of indexen? (is maybe a Dutch translation of my hosting provider) or indexing? Meaning that to many files are searched by the queries.

    I understand the logic of this statement, but not a clue where to start to make sure this is guarenteed. Or is it easy and just dump one table or more in my database?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
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    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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