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Thread: BUG Users can see Tickets not created by or Assigned to them using the Menu

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer bernhard's Avatar
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    BUG Users can see Tickets not created by or Assigned to them using the Menu

    Users can see Tickets not created by them, or Assigned to them using the Menu (and not only their own Tickets)

    New install using v0.6. WP 3.4.2

    I have 3 users set-up.

    1 User as Administrator

    2 Users as Contributer

    Contributer1 is user1
    Contributer2 is user2

    The Administrator creates a new Ticket assigning the Ticket to a specific user (user2) and with the default Priority as "Low"

    (See screenshots attached)

    (Capture1) I log-in with user1. Initially I get the message "No tickets found." under the Menu which is fine. BUT

    (Capture2) when I browse the Menu Items for example "Priority" and click on the sub-menu "Low",

    (Capture3) user1 then sees the Ticket that the Administrator created with Status "New" and the name of the Ticket. Remember that the Ticket was assigned to user2

    (Capture4) when user1 clicks on the Ticket name, the text "Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be located." appears and the Menu Bar disappears.

    Surely the Idea with the Ticket System is that Users cannot see each others Tickets!

    The log-in users will have a problem managing their Tickets as more and more Tickets are created

    This is a real problem for me. I need to have this fixed please.


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  2. #2
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    Expired Customer bernhard's Avatar
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  3. #3
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    Expired Customer bernhard's Avatar
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