Bug - Vantage renames your custom fields if you amend the custom form
If you create a Vantage Custom Form, and include fields that have a label that is more than one word, Vantage will create the field and give it a name like this app_mycustomfield
All well and good, but if at any future point, you go back to that custom form, and make changes, for example to add another field, Vantage will then rename all of your custom fields that have a label of more than one word. So the 'My Custom Field' item will be renamed to become app_my-custom-field
This means you've now got two fields, one of which has been abandoned by Vantage. That is so painful if your fields get automatically renamed AFTER you have added a whole stack of listings... I'm still trying to work out how to bulk transfer the values from one (abandoned) field into the other new field for each listing for only those listings that have been affected.
Suggestion - in the Advanced Custom Fields plugin for Wordpress (not the Classipress plugin of the same name), when you create a custom field, it also stores and shows the field name, distinct from the label. You can accept the default or override it...but there is never a need to change the field name surely?
Here's hoping this gets addressed soon - I can't tell you how many hours I have wasted due to this issue!