Having issues with my vantage directory and not happy !!!
Not happy at all
Several months ago i was looking for a script for a business directory i need for my website. I came across Vantage and immediately thought that it was the right script for me to use.
My website designer customized it for me and made changes to the point where i was happy with it and it was up and running for a while. I am looking to go live with my site in a few weeks time and about a week ago i started to have problems with the directory side of the site ( vantage)
The problems
I went to my site at directory.dineplus.co.uk and i could see that most of the functions / features of the site where not there i.e the home page
and blog etc. I logged into the admin part of the site and it appeared that the relevant features / pages had been 'unpublished'. i Then published them and they went live and all was well aside from the blog page which i could not find in the admin section. basically the directory part of the site was working again.
now : a few days ago i went to my site and could see that in place of the blog page is a disjointed categories page. the same appeared on the add a discount pages for both restaurant and retailer sections of the site. The home page was just blank without the map.
i asked my web designer to have a look and he succeeded in bringing back the home page with map so thats ok. if you click on one of the add a
discount buttons on the right hand side you are still taken to the disjointed categories page however.
I attempted to log into admin @
http://directory.dineplus.co.uk/wp-admin/ to look and see if it was an issue i could resolve - now when i go the admin log in page it is not there all i am seeing is , once again, the popular categories list. i now cannot log in to my own website admin.
my website designer has told me that he has access to the admin part of the site but ( he thinks) only because he is already logged in to the site. for some reason though he has not been able to resolve the site issues i am having. He thinks the issue is either with the script or my web hosts. i am hosted with a company that is WordPress compatible and has hosted the site without issues up until now so logic dictates it is not the web hosts server.
I have spent a small fortune on customizing this script and now i am having to paying more for repairs!. So far not been able to fix it.
At a loss to what to do especially when i cannot log in to the admin part of the site!.
Any help you can give will be much appreciated. Assistance from official support would be welcome.