Listing page 'Description' truncated when using child-theme
When I go to my child-theme, the Description section for each of my listings is truncated to just the first word of the description. I have experimented with eveything that I can imagine in the child-theme but can't fix this. The description is the expected much longer version when the primary Vantage theme is used. I have changed the size of the thumbnails in the child-theme but that is not the problem. I have temporarily eliminated the code in the child-theme's style.css and functions.php files with no change relative to this issue. The archive-listing.php file is also present as it was supplied by AppThemes. I did try subbing a copy of this file from a clean install that I have but that didn't help. I also turned off all of my plugins which did not change either.
Here is the view of a listing with the main Vantage theme selected:
Here is the same listing with the child-theme selected:
Any ideas on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated!