Expired Listing Workflow Needed
It seems there have been issues raised about Expired Listings - still showing, errors in manual pruning - and I'm still having the same issues.
Expired listings should not show on regular searches by other people.
However, Expired listings should still show to the owner of the listing so they can RENEW these expired listings.
Pruning of expired listings should have a time WINDOW parameter to affect only expired listings of "dead" users who have not logged in or modified or renewed the listing. There should be an allowable time frame to modify or renew.
For example, if a listing expired December 1st and now it is Dec 13, Pruning should NOT delete that listing as it has not been so many X days out. There is still the chance the owner could login and renew the listing, right? You do NOT want to delete the Dec. 1 expired listing as it is TOO SOON. If you did, deleting that just expired listing will piss off the listing owner as it was just a couple of days ago and now he has to rewrite the entire listing all over again.
Why not consider a grace period lets say 90 to 365 days (PARAMETER that can be set on the Pruning screen - not going into the code) so only really "stale" Expired listings are deleted. This X days parameter needs to be ANNOUNCED or marked properly for the listing owner so they will still have time to renew on the Listing Owner's screen.
Please advise if this workflow is desirable and doable.