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Thread: All Accounting Jobs

  1. #1
    tinygiantstudios's Avatar
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    All Accounting Jobs

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm proud to announce that we've just released our first jobsite using a heavily modified version of JobRoller 1.3.1. Before I go on, you should check out the All Accounting Jobs website.

    Here's what we've done:
    • Complete custom visual design to set it apart from other generic JR styles;
    • Integrated support for a South African payment gateway (Webcash)
    • Changed all the dropdown menu's to use jQuery design as opposed to using normal system styles (e.g. Windows styles, Mac styles etc.)
    • Customised the apply now button functionality - it now highlights the "How To Apply" section if available (works beautifully with indeed jobs)
    • Integrated a currency (ZAR) that's not natively supported by PayPal;
    • Customised the listings view (removed state / countries and replaced them with City);
    • Integrated support for the FXtender plugin For JobRoller by Sebet;
    • Enhanced SEO support using Joost de Valk's Wordpress SEO Plugin;
    • Ping optimised;

    Here's two screenshots to highlight our changes:
    Our customised homepage

    Our custom payment gateway

    I'm keen to hear what you think, and where you think we can improve.

    Look forward to hearing from you

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    The mods are nice specially the new payment gateway.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
    tinygiantstudios's Avatar
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    Glad you approve jomarko
    It took a while to figure how to do it though, I'm just a front end developer - hehehe.

  4. #4
    Junior Member justintyler's Avatar
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    Well done, the site looks great. I see your submit button is "list a job for free", are you starting with a particular time period for free listings to get some initial uptake? I'm planning on doing that myself for my next release.

    I see your using the FXtender plugin also, did you have any issues with it?
    Twitter: @JustinTylerWeb

    Web Design and Development Justin Tyler

    Jobroller web jobs website Web Jobs Plus

  5. #5
    tinygiantstudios's Avatar
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    Hi justintyler,

    Thanks for the kind words - we've spend quite a bit of time trying to get it to look different from the generic JR styles (not that there's anything wrong, we just want to be slightly more unique - if you catch my drift).

    Truthfully, the plan at the moment, is not to charge for jobs at all. We're staunch believers in the freemium model and the base product is free, with value added premium features on top. Our revenue generating model rests on a few legs - these are (1) Charging for "Featured Jobs", (2) Advertising, (3) charging for access to job seeker cv's & profiles and (4) charging for jobs that needs to be displayed longer than x-amount of days. We're also toying with the idea of creating premium access to some of articles.

    Naturally with the impending release of JR, there's even more revenue generating ideas / features that we're keen to exploit - but that will have to wait for version 1.1 of All Accounting Jobs

    As for using FXtender - from our testing and implementation, we could only pick up one bug which was promptly fixed. Sebet is a very, very talented coder and certainly know his way around JR. We've been discussing certain features for inclusion in future releases, and without talking about things that's not official, I'm looking forward to some awesome FXtender features in future.

    What about you? How're you trying to leverage JR into a revenue generating model? Have you got a website handy that I can scope out?

    Hope to hear from you soon,

  6. #6
    Junior Member justintyler's Avatar
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    thanks for the honest an comprehensive response!

    I like your approach, I'd also be interested to know how you get on after a a few months, hope it goes well.

    My plan is relatively simple to be honest, I'm looking to provide employers/agencies with as much as I can in terms of job listings, recruiter pages with links, advertising opportunities and other additional features.

    This will all be for a free introductory period, possibly a 6, 8 or 12 weeks, at which point I will introduce a paywall for listings and advertising.

    On the employee side, similarly to you I'm going to provide a blog with career advice and other interesting web/techy industry news.

    Alot hinges on the next JR release, if the features are as I'm expecting then it will really help improve my site!

    Fingers crossed!

    The site is Web Jobs Plus | Web Design Jobs, Web Developer Jobs, Digital Jobs, SEO Jobs - its still in development at the moment, but a week or two after the new JR release it will be done, quite excited!
    Twitter: @JustinTylerWeb

    Web Design and Development Justin Tyler

    Jobroller web jobs website Web Jobs Plus

  7. #7
    Forum Member funnymonkey's Avatar
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    Seems everything is very uniquely and the payment method is very clear! Congratulations...

  8. #8
    Junior Member gregpill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tinygiantstudios View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm proud to announce that we've just released our first jobsite using a heavily modified version of JobRoller 1.3.1. Before I go on, you should check out the All Accounting Jobs website.

    Here's what we've done:
    • Ping optimised;

    Look forward to hearing from you
    Hi TGS

    Was wondering what you did to optimise the pinging from the site. I'm getting good response whenever I post a blog update, but nothing much happens when I publish a new job listing. Are you using a plugin of some sort to help?

  9. #9
    tinygiantstudios's Avatar
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    Hey Greg,

    Yep, we're using cbnet ping optimizer to do the heavy lifting.

    BTW - I just got back today, your email is on my to do list

  10. #10
    Junior Member gregpill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tinygiantstudios View Post
    Hey Greg,
    Yep, we're using cbnet ping optimizer to do the heavy lifting.
    BTW - I just got back today, your email is on my to do list
    Perfect, thanks TGS. Off to check out the cbnet plugin. The list of stuff on the email can wait till you have time, no stress.

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