Originally Posted by
@dalemiles fancy sharing for numbers of yours? .. url?

Mines a niched site for New Zealand for a hobby with only a few thousand people.
Other countries have much bigger player bases but NZ only has 4.5m people population wise.
I've recently secured the .eu domain name so I can expand and make a version of my site for the EU and players within the EU countries.
Anyhow, the domain is
It's a trading site for airsoft stuff (similar action sport to paintball).
I have a Facebook page with
1,145 likes, its growing bit by bit weekly. Small player base though remember.
The website has
800+ registered users.
I have on average
a 75% returning user rate.
My income is mainly from Google Adsense, although roughly 25% of my users use an adblock. I'm thinking of making it so the core content of the site won't show if they have an adblock enabled (they can add my site as a 'safe site'.
I've recently added the ability (under 2 weeks ago) to have featured ads at $3 a pop. I've sold one so far.
I've sold a few bump packs as well.
But the bulk of the money generated is from Adsense.
Plans for the future is to expand the site across several key countries and compete with other established classified trading sites. With the track record of this site along with some support of friends i know in these other countries i'm hoping have 3 versions of this site ticking along will generate enough adsense money to keep my hobby paid for.
I currently make about $30 a month from Adsense on the NZ site, which covers the running and hosting costs.