Re: Launced a Custom Classifieds Site for a Client
Could you post the code how you displaying the categories in front page?
And it would be good if you do in below way(just my opinion):
under the category, Buy and Sell , you are showing around 12 subcategories. in future if categories are more page can grow dramatically. so it would be good if you show only 3 or 4 sub categories and put more link. If user put mouse on more link, the remaining subcategories need to be collapsed to view by user. once user do on mouse out, the list need to be collapse up to its original state.
this can be do by jquery and already implemented in premium news theme by woothemes.
demo link is
see how categories are functioning in sidebar.
It would be helpful for us if you post the code to display the categories like you did. so no need to reinvent the wheel if we too want to do that?