I've figured out a way to allow posts to the site on the Android and Iphone app I created. It was easier than I thought. I've already written the made apps for both and am a registered distributor with both Apple and Android now. So anyone who needs one customized for your site please let me know and I'll make one for you as long as it's not multi-site like mine. Unfortunately for me, I have to create an app for each site...and that is taking FOREVER!
If you like the screenshots I've provided at
Iphone & Android Apps | Inland Empire, will you please click on the FACEBOOK "like" button and become a FAN of Snuked.com. Part of the process of creating my apps and including Facebook is that they require 25 fans before they'll issue a custom link. So I could use everyone's help and in return, I will help anyone who needs an app created.