Fix - Submit job form map
Suddenly today the version 2 of google map api script started to cause a conflict t the google map in the home page header.
We could fix it, and this fix will be included in the next maintenance release.
However you still can get it now by editing a core code following these instructions:
- Open simplux/functions.php , and find this code around #1933
wp_register_script ('googlemaps', '', fasle, '3');
wp_enqueue_script ('googlemaps');
- Replace it by this :
function googlemaphome() {
if ( is_home() ) {
wp_register_script ('googlemaps', '', false, '3');
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'googlemaphome');
then save the file.
Now if you refresh , the google map in the header, also the map which is located in submit job form are both working like charm.
Simplux version: 2.1
Date: March/25/2014
Last edited by spartac; March 26th, 2014 at 06:13 AM.
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