Image order reversed in Single Ad page - fix
In the latest update of CP 3.5.2 there is an error that reverses the order of the images that are uploaded. I unwittingly copied over the new code from CP3.5.2 to this child theme. In order to fix it you need to add some extra code to the functions.php file located in the child theme folder on line 180.
Instead of this:
$attachment_ids = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_app_media', true );
Change to:
$attachment_ids = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_app_media', true );
asort( $attachment_ids );
Adding the extra line in bold.
Merry Christmas!
$function ('CUSTOMIZATION'); } else { .DESIGN { display: awesome; }
If you require any additional functionality or design customization, just ask. Afterall... anything is possible! However, I may not know how to implement your particular request, but if you don't ask, you don't get
If you build it, they will come...