Troubleshooting process
If you have any issues with this theme (or any theme for that matter), please follow these basic procedures first....
1. Check your permalinks are set correctly. Go to your admin Settings->Permalinks to check they are set to
Post name. If it already is, simply choose something else, then select Post name again. You should try resetting this several times. Sometimes only once is not enough. Just a little quirk of either WordPress or ClassiPress, I don't know which.
2. Try flushing your cache - ClassiPress->System Info - Advanced Tab - Flush Theme Cache - click on the "Flush Entire Theme Cache" button.
TIP: Always refresh pages and delete the cache in your browsers too!
9 x out 10 most problems only persists because someone has not followed this very basic procedure.
3. Deactivate
ALL plugins and see if the problem persists. NOT forgetting the TIP above!
If the problem disappears, then one of your plugins was causing the issue. Switch them back on one at a time until you find the culprit. Known plugins that affect ClassiPress are CACHE plugins - I suggest you try to avoid them where possible. Also some (not all)
SEO plugins, particularly Yoast on occasion.
4. If after deactivating all your plugins the problem persists, then the 2nd step would be to deactivate the child theme and activate the main ClassiPress theme temporarily.
If the problem still persists then the issue lies with the main ClassiPress theme. If this is the case, please post a thread in the main ClassiPress forum and ask for help in the
Help Using ClassiPress section OR if you believe it to be a bug, then post in the
Report ClassiPress Bugs section. The
ClassiPress General Discussion section is for discussing an getting help with customizations, plugins, recommendations, etc... from other customers (you will NOT receive any help from appthemes support here).
When asking in the Help section, the first thing they might tell you to do is deactivate plugins, which you will have already done. So it might be worth mentioning that you have already tried deactivating plugins and child themes.
5. If however, deactivating the child theme the problem goes away, then the child theme may be at fault. This may be because you have made changes to the child theme. So be warned, I will ask you to re-install the child theme from fresh, which will delete all your own customizations. To avoid any loss, you will need to do a complete back-up first. This is so you can add your modifications back in after re-installation.
8. Other factors to consider which can also cause problems, lie with different server configurations, as well as cloud/cdn severs that allow you to disable file updates in favour of cached files.
Which brings me onto 'Cache' plugins... please do not use these plugins whilst still under development or modifying your theme. If you modify your theme and you have a cache plugin active, any changes you make will not show immediately. Before modifying, make sure you deactivate any caching plugin or system you are using and delete ALL the cached files.
I hope you all find this useful.
Kind Regards
Last edited by talent; October 8th, 2015 at 04:44 AM.
$function ('CUSTOMIZATION'); } else { .DESIGN { display: awesome; }
If you require any additional functionality or design customization, just ask. Afterall... anything is possible! However, I may not know how to implement your particular request, but if you don't ask, you don't get
If you build it, they will come...