Addind a Banner Ad to the top of your theme
Hi. I needed to place rotating banner ads to the top of my website.
Firstly, I've installed the AdRotate plugin.
Secondly, I added a banner Group, and a banner into that group (remember to activate each banner in the group).
Lastly, after a bit of experimentation, I add the following line of code into the header.php
<!-- Begin AdRotate Banner --> <div style="float:right"> <?php echo adrotate_banner('1'); ?> </div> <!-- End AdRotate Banner -->
Checkout this section of code from the top of header.php, to see where to insert it.
<div id="masthead" class="container">
<div class="row">
<?php va_display_logo(); ?>
<!-- Begin AdRotate Banner --> <div style="float:right"> <?php echo adrotate_banner('1'); ?> </div> <!-- End AdRotate Banner -->
<div class="advert">
<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'header' ); ?>
You can see how it looks here.