Need Recurring Payments for Vantage and option to receive payment via check
Is there anybody capable of creating recurring payments instead of fixed payments, as well as giving the option to send a check rather than pay via paypal? My website is ready to go with my listings expiring every 365 days. It makes no sense for me to establish a user base now, and then have to recruit the same user base after their listing expires. Vantage really lacked on their release and after searching through the forum, it seems as though there is no set date when appthemes will make it happen. I would hate to do all of this work recruiting customers, and then a year from now have to do it all over again because of this issue.
Terms of Service with a checkbox is also a must. Terms of Service is where you can keep all liability issues away when running a site to make money.
Right now I am running my terms of service as a custom form but it's not as effective as having it at the bottom of the create listing page with a link to it.
If anybody can A. Create Recurring Payments, B. Create a "Pay via Check" option that successfully submits a users listing with information on where to send the check, and C. Create a checkbox location "I agree with the Terms of Service" with a link to my terms of service page, please contact me.
I'm not looking for appthemes to cover this issue since their release dates are many times unknown (which is a frustration). This is something I need done as soon as possible.