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Thread: Recommendations on future release?

  1. #1
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    swanzey's Avatar
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    Recommendations on future release?

    Looking at and working on the current version of Vantage (and I do not see a mention on upcoming release), I wonder if this makes sense:

    I think it is important to always convince a business as to what the value of a Vantage site can be to a business' profitability and exposure. I think Vantage is doing great job of that and is why I am aggressively working on implementing this theme for a very niche business market. But in doing so, I find one thing kind of lacking that I believe (and maybe others will too) can make the Vantage theme even more saleable to businesses:

    Strengthen the business - patron relationship.

    I do not see a great delineation between these in Vantage. When a patron registers so they can add favorites and leave comments, they are really being treated as a business; why the add business listing option? If I can harvest patrons for a business and provide a service where promotions, newsletters, etc. can be specifically targeted to these patrons of a business, I have added value to my website service. You give redirect options such as twitter facebook etc. and give those sites a lot of business, but what about me and my vantage site? Let me keep patron info and use it to my advantage. If I have one patron who registers support to one or more businesses, I have increased one user into many. Does that make sense?

    I know events are being implemented in a future release and I think that is a great idea. What if I could have a patron provide specific feedback via the vantage site as to the event through a poll or simple questionnaire? I could then provide compiled information to the business as to the effectiveness of the event (what worked, didn't work, room for improvement, etc.)? Rather than just a comment for all to see, give the patron the ability to provide great feedback! That would make a business want to be on my vantage site and realize great value in being a paying member.

    So I guess what I am saying is this:

    1. Add a specific registration option that a user is registering as a patron or a business. If a patron get rid of website link, twitter link, add business listing etc, and use info just for a patron application.
    2. Create newsletters, emails, polls, etc. specific to patrons for a particular business. Businesses pay a specific fee for these types of services.

    Does this make good business sense? Can I do this now with the theme as it is?

  2. #2
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