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Thread: combine appthemes on one website

  1. #1
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    Member paleoglobe's Avatar
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    combine appthemes on one website


    I am fan of Appthemes since almost the beginning. But I feel the need to combine the functionallity of your different themes in one website. This does not only mean the same layout, it means that users can use the functionallity of the different themes from one login.

    Example. I have a content website in an industrial niche. This is a Wordpress. I have a jobsite with jobroller and a business directory with vantage attached to it. Soon an agenda with vantage and a Marketplace with classipress will follow. We prospect for users that pay a certain amount. In return they make unlimited use of the website. They can post jobs, post articles, post their events, …

    These are my questions:
    Can I make all themes work on one domain? Now they work seperately on subdomains, with different databases.
    Can one user work in all themes, after logging in just once?
    What about the upgrade process (wp and appthemes)?
    Are there other things that need to be considered, that I did not mention yet?

    Christophe Slegers

  2. #2
    Marketplace Seller thesyndicate's Avatar
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    No not really been asked many times and the answer is sadly still no.

    I love to help out you out but please read this first Have you tried to install in a root domain? Have you tried to Resave permalinks? Have you tried to disable all plug in? Have you tried the default theme of Wordpress?

    ++ If the issue is fixed consider closing the thread and change to solved, thank you for helping us helping you. ++

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