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Thread: Users on wordpress?

  1. #1
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    englandrm's Avatar
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    Users on wordpress?

    How many people(different computers) can be logged into the same wordpress user account?

    If they are all editing different pages, is it possible for multiple computers to enter the admin panel, and not interfere with one another?

    I have a class of 50 students who I want to have edit pages, but since they do not have an email account, I want them to all login using the same. I don't want each student to create their own account, and I dont want to create an account for each student.

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    Wordpress is scalable enough. If your host/server provides ample specs then there's no need for you to worry about 50 simultaneous users.

    However, a single account/login information might not work for 50 simultaneous users as wordpress use authentication cookies during use/session.
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