WpClassipress.com to AppThemes.com
I am writting you all with one question, I did not know where to post it but in this category.
It's not directly related to Classipress, (although I am a happy customer

, but I find myself in the same situation as WpClassipress.com was:
I have a website (like wpclassipress.com) that I have to "transform"(=change domain name and content) in another website (like the new appthemes.com).
The question for the Classipress Team is:
How did you "transfer" all the "link juice" you had on google for "classipress" connected keywords, to the new website, appthemes.com?
My website ranks #1-3 for some keywords, and I do not want to loose that when I will change to the new domain name with new content.
Thank you, hope you can help
All the best,
Ps. About the "JobRoller", do you have some screen shots? Anxious to see the difference between that and the competition..

I am thinking of buying that also!