This plugin has some excellent uses. I did some reading on hooks ( think placeholders for widgets, plugins, text, other small codes) here on APP Documentation. At first I thought, wtf? But after a few nights sleep, I read more at
WP Codex. And then I just started changing where I wanted plugins to show up. I had no issue with getting the plugin to show up on search results page from advanced search.
I placed this plugin with after_header. And I had to do at least 40 hours of additional work with styling, testings, and setting up email notices with site graphics, ect. It was, as most plugins I find, only a framework. To some, it's all complete. To me, I see where I can take something, and off I go. Afterwards, I realize, I've mostly started with aplugin which is only half done. Consequences of a creative mind, lol.
I can tell you I have thoroughly tested this plugin through about 50 test results for output. To understand it's simplicity, it just takes whatever search query is located in the url locator of your browser. And then writes it to a separate table in the
WP DB. I always appreciate coders who know alot better than to use
WP CORE tables for dumping data into.
Okay that's the easy part. The really difficult part was the programming put into email auto responders and system notifications to users. One thing that I need, that I don't have yet, it hourly cron jobs. For my industry, sending emails up to a day later, doesn't do much for ads that are gone in less than an hour at times. I'm still waiting for programmer to get back from holidays. The part with email notices, like the CP theme itself, will have yo spending about 80 hours to fully test and configure. You'll need to hard code, because CP Theme is lacking alot in backend panels for system notices. But at the price, I get it. For me, I've been programming and modifying add-on plugins and the CP 3.19 theme for the past 3 1/2 months (at an avg of 50+ hours/wk.). I'll be done in the next 2-4 days. But it depends on what challenges I'll come up to with some three more plugins to install.
Still, all the while worth it. This is no hobby for me, lol. When I'm done, I'll make a post with link to view, and many will not even recognize their own plugins, lol.
I thoroughly LOVE WP and APP Themes. Reason: Industry Standards! Yes, I've been to hell and back at $30K over 7 months prior to CP 3.19. It all went into the garbage, except the exceptional hard knocks experience of constantly fixing code and design.
Checkout the sub-forum Wordpress Plugins. Every single plugin I bought, I have read the code line by line, at least five times. I learn a great deal about how to code this way. I always want to know the reason something works, lol. Which is why I'm still here. All the best. Any Q's chime away. I'll do my best to answer back when I can.