Classipro Mobile- Solution
I have been enjoying the Classipress website for sometime now. It's the best product on the market. Easy to use, great features and easy to customize. I was so excited to find that I would be able to make it mobile ready for my customers. I tried the following mobile programs without success:
WordPress Mobile Pack
WP Touch
Wapple Architect Mobile Plugin
WordPress Mobile Pack
So, when I discovered the Classipro offered a mobile version specifically for Classipress I immediately started to review the plugin. I paid 20 bucks and the download was installed. Afterwards, the big test. Fingers crossed. DRATS! It didn't work. So, I emailed Classipro to express the issue and concern. Initially, he was helpful. Then, the conversation turn REALLY nasty after I asked him to provide a work-arounds. "READ THE PLUGIN REQUIREMENTS! It's only good up to 3.1.5. NO REFUNDS!!! Then he promised me to have a beta version sent over later that night. I thought that was a great compromise. No email. No plugin, & No Mobile site. I went on to threaten him with a letter from an attorney and he laughed (I would have done the same) and I asked for a refund again since
Classipro is 100% unusable with the current version of Classipress and Wordpress.
Go ahead! I pay money to advertise. You will be giving me free advertising. So, I guess this is me giving the wonderful people at classipro free advertising for their wonderful ClassiPress Mobile plugin that does absolutely nothing at all for your website. I'm sure it's a great product if and when it's working and the developer is not sending condescending emails from his blackberry 8-15 days later.
I had a lot of hopes and expectations for ClassiPress Mobile, but I was greatly disappointed that it's not compatible with the current version of
WP is on 3.1.8 and he will update the plugin to 3.1.7. Someone will purchase it and have the same problem as me. You will send an email asking for help. He will be nice. The resolution will be unsatisfactory. You will be told a new version is coming.
WP 3.19 will come out. No one will ever be able to use the product. He will always be 3 versions behind. It's too bad. Good business model. Create an outdated product, sell it. Don't offer updates or refunds.
LOL.. It's hilarious now. Last thought.... I will develop an awesome program built for DOS. It should work on Win. 7... I think..

Its 19.90 cheers!
ClassiPress theme should come out with a mobile version.