Here i am the guy who said you answered like a politician which I might add was meant jokingly but obviously got lost across the differences in language

and I still think it was a very political answer
Anyway I speak as I find and will say when something isn't how it should be.
I have been very impressed with this plugin- 'It works' I even had it working very briefly with w3 Cache I say briefly because I disabled the cache for other reasons. Search seems fine I haven't got masses of data but what I have seems to be found quickly and correctly. They clarity of layout is spot on - users can easily see exactly what they want to and it's laid out perfectly . One or two little tiny alignment issues where titles are long and pushing into price tags but you would expect such things given the screen real estate that you have to play with. I haven't tried changing colours yet (want to get it looking more like my site) but I am sure that this will not be difficult. Images don't seem to eat huge swathes of bandwidth but this maybe a 'nice to have feature way down the line' as a selectable option. Speed is good even working out of a WiFi the site loaded quickly - 'i am an impatient guy and get really annoyed if things don't work and out on the road my site loaded great 'no temper tantrums'.
My pages aren't working not sure at this moment if this is me or if it's the plugin but I am sure if it is the plugin it will be something and nothing. In my opinion this takes the ad site to where it really should be in a mobile, I have viewed on iphone 3 and 4 but not tried on others yet so that's to investigate further but given that I have used wptouch in the past with a broad cross section of mobiles with no issue I don't expect this to be a problem.
Next - please take it to the next level - this is a must do task - at the moment this plugin is what I class as candy for my users, take it to the next level and it's pure 'can't live with out it' useability.
User login with the ability to post ads using the phones camera would take this plugin to a whole new dimension. One of the questions that I have been asking my users, is what stops you posting and it's always the same response I just want to use my phone the 18 - 30 age group just seem to live on their phones. I must agree if I could snap what I want to sell log in and fill out the details then post it all without touching my computer oh what bliss. It also opens up possibilities in other areas which are to be further explored.
Last but not least to put the icing on the cake give it the ability to create the app icon as in the pro version and I will write an even better review
To sum up plenty of pro's and excellent value at $20, provide the add ons and I think you have a a real winner and a plugin that would be worth $50 of anyone's money with what it would bring to a users site, it really would take an ad site to the next level.
PS Can you just check the page thing and let me know if its me being stupid