Originally Posted by
I reported this problem to Moshin but he is not agreed with this warning message, said that no one facing this problem even it is not reproduced in Demo Site.
Ramesh, you are fully entitled to your opinion, but at least you should base them on the real situation rather than guesswork. I have not refused to acknowledge the problem on your website, however I had to inform you that there is no one else who's had the same issue with the plugin, the only person who ever reported to having a similar problem used a different plugin, but resolved it by de-activating and then re-activating the plugin, which is what I asked you to try. How is that "not agreeing" with you? I look into every site that is reported to have a problem with my products, and over half of them actually turn out to be a result of something else and not a bug. Still I make it a point to go through every site and inform the site owner about the reasons behind the problem.

Originally Posted by
Handling single quote is very basic programming skill which is not accepted with this priced plugin.
Again, assumptions without a solid understanding don't help anyone. The issue is not just a single quote as there are reasons as to why it can't accept them as mentioned in
my post here. It is however due to be fixed in the next version.

Originally Posted by
Un-experienced programming in this plugin, disappointed support from Themebound.
Again, you are entitled to your opinion, I am hopeful that not many people would agree. Some customers help themselves by being patient helping the developers fix problems (whether originating from a bug or from their own doing) and in the process it helps them understand the intricacies behind why each block of code performs differently in different environments that each individual site brings about.
P.S I had been out of town since the start of the year and will be now for another week, so I can only respond when I have access to the internet, which will be a pretty limited commodity for me until I am back in office.
P.P.S I am easier to find on Skype because there is always a queue of emails I have to respond to individually.