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Thread: Dynamic Multi-Level Fields – The Most Complete Multi-Region Solution for ClassiPress

  1. #161
    troiko's Avatar
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    Hi Mohsin,
    This plugin is exactly what I need to start my business very soon, and I´m very interested in buying it.
    Can you please just tell me a couple of things first:
    Can I use this plugin and citify ultimate at the same time to allow me to have subsites for my cities?
    Is this plugin compatible to run in a multisite allowing me to edite content on different subfolders?
    I been having lately some problems with your citify plugin, will you provide me some help as well as install Dynamic Multi-Level Fields if I buy it to allow me start my business soon?
    You can send me a pm with the budget if you charge something to do this.
    Hope to hear from you soon


  2. #162
    Amateur kwidam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwidam View Post
    Hello Mohsin,

    I have another question. You mentioned that the plugin strings can be translated (those that are not included in the settings such as "Select Location", "Change Location" etc). I have managed to almost fully translate classipress using WPML but I can't get the hang of this particular plugin... could you help me wrap the strings that are shown on the pop-up and on the menu so they can be translated? Or is there any other way?

    Please let me know.

    Thank you.
    Never mind for this question. I figured it out. Thank you

  3. #163
    Amateur kwidam's Avatar
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    Mohsin, is it normal that when posting an ad, the Country, Province and Region (which are my 3 levels) are populated from the classipress custom fields values and not from this plugin? This kind of defeats the purpose of the plugin a bit... is there a way to fix this? If I put all the Regions in the custom fields the user will have to choose from a list of 107 regions when in fact, there's less than 10 regions per province...

    Please let me know. This is urgent

  4. #164
    Amateur kwidam's Avatar
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    Well... urgency with this theme. Never mind mohsin, I have actually purchased another classified ads theme which has this plugin and other features already integrated. I'll be working on setting that up now. Lost my time with this theme....

    Your plugin is pretty good tho don't get me wrong. Thanks.

  5. #165
    chauvir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwidam View Post
    Well... urgency with this theme. Never mind mohsin, I have actually purchased another classified ads theme which has this plugin and other features already integrated. I'll be working on setting that up now. Lost my time with this theme....

    Your plugin is pretty good tho don't get me wrong. Thanks.
    What's the theme? This guy blames me for purchasing the wrong plugin. Says the descriptions are clear. NO THEY ARE NOT!

  6. #166
    Amateur kwidam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chauvir View Post
    What's the theme? This guy blames me for purchasing the wrong plugin. Says the descriptions are clear. NO THEY ARE NOT!
    It's called classifier. Cheaper, better and works with WPML. Locations is already integrated with the installation. I'm almost done installing it. Took me WAAYYY less time to set up then classipress.

    You can find it here

  7. #167
    mundillo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mohsinoffline View Post
    We are back with an exciting new plugin for ClassiPress which will prove to be the best localisation solution for your needs. Presenting the Dynamic Multi-Level Fields Plugin, which will enable dynamic selection of countries, states and cities on your ClassiPress website, i.e. selecting a ‘Country’ results in the ‘States’ drop down to list states only from the selected country, same when someone selects a state, the ‘City’ drop down would list the cities only from within the selected state. The usage of terms ‘location’, ‘country’, ‘state’, or ‘city’ is really just for illustration as the plugin can be tied to any ClassiPress fields, whether core or custom added by yourself.

    To top it off, the dynamic selection of field values can be applied to two sections. The first one is the “Ad Management” section, which means your “Post an Ad” and “Edit Ad” forms, which when applied to will force the fields attached to, to be HTML select drop downs on those forms, and make them required fields, leaving no margin for error while selecting the values.

    The second usage of the dynamic selection will allow your visitors to filter the ads on your ClassiPress website based on their selection. This is more useful when you are using the plugin as a selector for Locations, for example “Country -> State -> City” or “Region -> Area -> Neighbourhood”. The filtering of ads works much like our Statify Ultimate and Citify Ultimate plugins.

    So, the plugin can easily be used as an “All-in-One” solution for your multi-location needs. The plugin supports up to three levels of selection, but obviously a minimum of two.

    Key Features:

    * Handles two or three levels of selection
    * Gives you the ability to pre-load all field values that would appear in the select drop downs
    * Customize menu and popup labels
    * Gives your customers the ability to dynamically select location when they are posting or editing their ads
    * Turns the drop downs into text boxes when the ads are edited from the admin panel
    * Gives your visitors the ability to select their location and only browse listings from their region
    * Homepage, category page and search listings filter by the selected region automatically
    * Optional Groupon like region selector popup for new visitors, with ability to set the time after which the popup appears
    * Integrates with default, customized or child theme versions of the ClassiPress
    * Compatible with ClassiPress 3.1.9


    Please carefully read the instructions on our Dynamic Multi-Level Fields Plugin announcement page.


    USE "MULTI25" to get a $25 discount, only for AppThemes forum users!

    More Details and Purchase

    View Demo Here


    Attachment 3394 Attachment 3395 Attachment 3397 Attachment 3396 Attachment 3398
    hello, you still have the discount $25

  8. #168
    Newbie ramitos's Avatar
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    Good evening.

    When installing the plugin "Advanced Custom Fields Plugin" the plugin "Dynamic Multi-Level Fields Plugin" started giving problems and the selection fields are no longer appearing in step1.php

  9. #169
    chaimchernoff's Avatar
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    Great product!

    Right now when someone wants to add a listing -

    IS there a way that they can post a listing to a whole state

    every time - it makes us choose a city....

    Is there a way to post to a full state and not get specific to city?

    - - - Updated - - -


    Great product!

    Right now when someone wants to add a listing -

    IS there a way that they can post a listing to a whole state

    every time - it makes us choose a city....

    Is there a way to post to a full state and not get specific to city?

  10. #170
    troiko's Avatar
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    Hi moshin,

    This dynamic multi level fields plugin of yours is absolutely great but just wondering if you can give some help because I can´t manage to put this working well.
    It does not create the three mandatory fields on the post an ad form also not working well when changing countries and cancelling locations.
    Already restore classipress 3.2, classiclean and Dynamic Multi-Level Fields to their original state and still not working properly.
    Can you or your teem help me out on this, I really need some help
    Wait to hear news from you.

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