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Hi Mohsin,
I have not purchased the plug-in yet. I have tried the
demo, though, and was unable to figure out the following:
On your demo site, you have country > state > city as the hierarchy. I can select "England" > "Berkshire" > "Reading", for example. When I select that country > state > city and
browse listings, I see only the listings that were listed under "Reading", which I think is the basic idea of the plug-in. OK. When I
create/add an ad, however, I do not see "England" > "Berkshire" > "Reading" pre-selected as the defaults in the new-ad form. Those fields show the default "select a ..." options (see screenshot below).
Here is my question:
Is there an option in your plug-in to make the currently-selected country, state, and city (being used for filtering when browsing the site) be automatically selected as the default for those fields when creating a new ad? If there is no such option, do you plan to add one - or have a recommendation for how I can implement it myself that won't conflict with your plug-in? (high-level description is OK)
Yes it does and this is how:
My form is Country/region/town.
My custom fields are cp_country/cp_region/cp_citytown - Two of these are classipress fields as standard. The other I created.
(If you buy the plugin - I highly recommend it)
Under classipress>ML Plugin Options settings you have a drop down which takes you to the 1st level or the 2nd level or the 3rd level.
Under all these three levels when one is selected you have this setting box:
1st level
ClassiPress Field
Attach to ClassiPress Field - cp_country
Default Popup Option - Country
This is how you get it to pre-populate the ad form.
Do the same for yours based on the classipress fields you are using.
So for the second and third levels you need to use:
2nd level
ClassiPress Field
Attach to ClassiPress Field - cp_region
Default Popup Option - Region
3rd level
ClassiPress Field
Attach to ClassiPress Field - cp_citytown
Default Popup Option - City/Town
You need to make sure the custom fields you create (or if you use the existing ones) are populated with your chosen data for countries/regions/towns etc.