I just implemented this on my site through a lot of trial and error. You have to do a few things, but it is definitely possible to do.
1. Install the plugin CMS Press and create a "feedback" custom post type. No extra taxonomies needed. Change the Permalink Structure to "%identifier%/%postname%/".
2. Create a member_fb_post.php file, put
this code into it, and put it into your /
wp-content/plugins folder and activate it.
3. Create a feedback.php file, put
this code into it, and put it into your /themes/classipress/ folder.
4. Create a comments-feedback.php file, put
this code into it, and put it into your /themes/classipress/ folder.
Unfortunately, for each user that you already have you will have to manually add a new Feedback post with the title of the user needing feedback. From there, just add a link wherever you want to the get to the feedback.
For example, I the following code to the sidebar-ad.php to add a link:
<li><span><?php _e('View or write feedback for:','cp');?></span>
<a href="<?php echo get_option( 'siteurl' ). "/feedback/" . strtolower(get_the_author_meta('user_login')); ?>"><?php the_author_meta('display_name'); ?></a>
Hope this helps someone.