@vienna: thanks for your introduction and excellent words
@Idesp: You mean filtering the ads based in the category being showed?
You can see this kind of development I've made here -->
... if you see the slider at HOME contains all site featured ads, but if you click on ACCESSORIES category the slider then shows only featured ads from that category (all subcategories included), but if you then click on SILVERWARE subcategory the slider will show only your featured ads from that subcategory... and so on!
So simply YES, this can be done but it will be a custom work just for you.
If you are interested simply ask for it here
Best regards,

Originally Posted by
Hi Rubencio,
At the moment the extreme carousel displays featured ads regardless of category all mixed up on the home/index page. This is good for the index page where are the categories are listed.
My questions is, is it possible to make a seperate extreme carousel for each category that is displayed on that category page and also on single ad pages that are in that category.
For example ..
If someone creates a featured ad of a car for sale that is in a category called "autos" .. then if this autos catageory is browsed to there will be an second extreme carousel that only shows featured ads for the autos category and if someone views a single ad in the autos category the single ad will also show the extreme carousel for the autos category.
This could be done for each category...
Autos, Home, Pets, Jobs, Sports ect...
Please let me know if this can be done?