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Thread: Paid Help with Vantage theme wanted

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    Expired Customer 4keysdigital's Avatar
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    Paid Help with Vantage theme wanted

    I have the Vantage theme by AppThemes. I want to modify some of the functionality so when I create a location specific page, I can have only listings specific to a sub-category for that page come up. I want someone to walk me through how to set this up, then continue the work on my own. I'll try to explain again:
    For example,
    -I want a page for New York City
    -On that page there will be a bunch of segments of the economy listed - Apparel, Automotive etc.
    -when someone clicks the sub-category for each city, the listings feed for only that sub-category for that city will come up - In this example the Apparel Listings for New York city would come up on that page when the link is clicked.
    -I want to set up this functionality for many cities and many economic segment sub-categories for each city - the sub-categories will be identical for each city

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