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Thread: Turn my mods into a child theme

  1. #1
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    nibigo's Avatar
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    Turn my mods into a child theme


    I have been working with classipress over a year and have made many modifications in the process, including one to a site that is starting to gain in popularity. My problem is that I did exactly what I was told not to do: I modified my theme directly in the classipress theme, and did not create a child theme. Suffice it to say that when I was just starting, I did not think of going through the whole process of a child theme, I just wanted to test different things.

    But now, I need to update so I need to take what I have done and make it into a child theme. I have have a few programmers that work with me that could help, it is something I could do myself, but honestly I do not have the time. I prefer to pay an expert in classipress.

    Basically, I will need you to look over the site and functions that I have modified or added, as well as the css changes I have made, and turn all of that into a functionning child theme.

    I can already see some of you shaking their heads at my problem, believe me I am one of the them. Anyone who thinks they can help please message me. I will pay by Paypal 50% up front and 50% on the day of completion.

    To get an idea, the site is

    As you can see it is nothing crazy, just a few addons and removals here and there.

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    samcy's Avatar
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    You may ask for a quote from one of our certified partners. More information here:

    Good luck
    Rolf Hassel (Samcy)

  3. #3
    Expired Customer bhemusic's Avatar
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    Just sent you a PM

  4. #4
    rubencio's Avatar
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    I don't see a big complexity into this... from your site frontend in general, maybe if we go deeper some other mods you've done will appear
    So basically if you have started making the mods yourself then shouldn't be a big problem to built them into a childtheme... just try it and, in case you got stuck, release the job to a developer.

    Please, note this is just an advice for you.
    Best of luck!

    Quote Originally Posted by nibigo View Post

    I have been working with classipress over a year and have made many modifications in the process, including one to a site that is starting to gain in popularity. My problem is that I did exactly what I was told not to do: I modified my theme directly in the classipress theme, and did not create a child theme. Suffice it to say that when I was just starting, I did not think of going through the whole process of a child theme, I just wanted to test different things.

    But now, I need to update so I need to take what I have done and make it into a child theme. I have have a few programmers that work with me that could help, it is something I could do myself, but honestly I do not have the time. I prefer to pay an expert in classipress.

    Basically, I will need you to look over the site and functions that I have modified or added, as well as the css changes I have made, and turn all of that into a functionning child theme.

    I can already see some of you shaking their heads at my problem, believe me I am one of the them. Anyone who thinks they can help please message me. I will pay by Paypal 50% up front and 50% on the day of completion.

    To get an idea, the site is

    As you can see it is nothing crazy, just a few addons and removals here and there.

    Thanks in advance


    r u b e n c i o . c o m

    Since 2010 providing AppThemes solutions,
    Plugins and the best childthemes...

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