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Thread: Approval of members registering for site

  1. #11
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    hhgrayson's Avatar
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    Thanks for following up. Nothing in the spam area yet. What I would like to do, is be able to look at who is signing up to access the ads and only allow access to those with whom we have a relationship. So, when the person tries to sign up, we can approve or disapprove access on an individual basis. Register Plus Redux seems perfect for that (thank you again for the suggestion). Maybe there's something in the Classipress registration interface that diables Register Plus or otherwise overrides it

  2. #12
    Marketplace Seller mr_green's Avatar
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    >If you give only acces after registration in classipress to put ad
    put ad on moderation same effect delete user + ad in same stage
    I do it for me

    >if you give more acces(forum,chat,.....) is different

    >try into wordpress admin to changing the rule contributor to .....user then approve to contributor
    i didn't test it in subscription mod----> it's just track

    what i do:
    >registration with redux
    >double mail (so no error in pass recovery) very important.....!
    >double password
    >redirect to add Ad directly (very important.....!)
    >and send to the user mail a welcome with login & pass & url to login (a remember)

    *Put captcha--> case is automated spambot (with integrated registration)
    (Attention they are some spambot that could break the captcha like a user,with registration over filled and receve on email with login & pass)

    Clear or Not...?

  3. #13
    Newbie rickburton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_green View Post
    Have you have automated Spambot
    or some Jerk trying to add some spam profile & ...etc

    hey can you send me a private message please i have some question to ask to you

  4. #14
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    Thank you very much. Can you tell me please if the sequence you describe will prevent the user from posting an ad without registration, or will he also not be able to see other user's ads prior to registration? Thanks again

  5. #15
    Marketplace Seller mr_green's Avatar
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    sequence you describe will prevent the user from posting an ad without registration,
    --> yes
    After some testing I see clearly the need to remove the step "confirmation mail in mailbox"
    (My customer Is old personn, sometime they don't know very well internet & tired to imput)

    Double mail why
    with you can let go customer directly to the submit page
    if you receve mail ----> Unknow user email delete him right know it's a jerk

    will he also not be able to see other user's ads prior to registration
    It look you will make a membership based Ad
    only approved members can post
    only members can see

    i know a plugin but don't tested
    WordPress › s2Member ( Membership w/ PayPal® ) « WordPress Plugins

    i will try it, to see what can happen with it

  6. #16
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    Thank you Mr. Green for your attention to this problem. I will try to implement your instructions. Thank you also for checking out the other plug-in

  7. #17
    Marketplace Seller mr_green's Avatar
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    See this >>> thread he can your vision

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    hhgrayson (March 30th, 2011)

  9. #18
    Veteran cloudybright's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hhgrayson View Post
    thanks Mr. Green. On its face, the register plus redux plug-in looks perfect. But for some reason, when I activated it, I was able to log on without requiring prior approval. Not sure why it doesn't seem to be working with classipress
    Did you clear cookies on your computer?
    Try a different browser?
    Does it still recognize you after that?

  10. #19
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    thank you so much Mr. Green and Cloudybright for your attention to this. When I activate the Registration Redirect and then try to register as a new user on the site (inputting a user name, email, and password twice, I get this error on the classipress registration page:

    * ERROR: Please confirm your e-mail address.
    * ERROR: Please enter your first name.
    * ERROR: Please enter your last name.
    * ERROR: Please enter a password.

    I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but not sure what. Thank you so much for your time

  11. #20
    Veteran cloudybright's Avatar
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    Using plug-ins with ClassiPress is risky business in my opinion.
    I've stopped development on CP due to it's oddity of nature - and so I am not fresh with it.

    But to address your original problem;
    My solution was to:
    Add a Page with a "form" that the user must fill out to register.
    Change the "Register" link so that it pointed to my register form page.

    The form sends me the application and I manually register them.
    I changed all the instances of wp-login.php to something else.
    Then provide a link (in the form email) to the newly named login file.

    There are several ways to address your approach, but none are as simple as using a plugin. Sorry that I don't have a better solution.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to cloudybright For This Useful Post:

    hhgrayson (March 30th, 2011)

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