ACFCP Plugin Changelog
v1.0 - 07/22/2012
v1.0.1 - 09/16/2012 (bug fixes)
bug fixes:
- No need to set permissions to file acf_export.ini. (Now file is created on the fly during the export. Export folder is deleted from the project.) see link above
- No need to replace author's and edit ad templates. (Now this templates loads from plugin's folder).
v1.0.2 - 09/30/2012 (bug fixes)
bug fixes:
- "No ad details found" bug on Single ad listing in ClassiPress 3.1.8
- Profile fields "first_name" and "last_name" duplicated in DB if filled in registration form
- Allow HTML in field descriptions
- Problems when submit "Add new user" form in admin dashboard (required hidden fields)
- Tab indexes in registration form not sequential
Added new action hooks (usage look in help section):
- "acf_loop_top($post)" add action after title in loop ad meta (in line with author and category)
- "acf_loop_bottom($post)" add action after description in loop ad meta (in line with posted and total viewed)
Last edited by dikiyforester; October 2nd, 2012 at 01:39 AM.
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