Porting FormBuilder Plugin to Classipress?
I want to convert one of my sites into a Vacation Rentals site.
The form builder does not represent all the normal options of a form to record and display information.
For instance, on a typical property listing such things as Amenities are multiple options (cable tv, dishwasher, washer, dryer, high speed internet access, WIFI....etc) represented in an array of Radio buttons or checkboxes, which are not supported in the ClassiPress form builder.
http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/formbuilder/ seems to be an excellent plugin to offer all kinds of customizing but from what I can tell of the ClassiPress Form folder step-functions and step php files there is only one form, as defined by ClassiPress, with its limited text, text area, and drop-down options which do not work for an array of values that are needed as clickables or selectables in both the user add post form and the eventual page display.
I am wondering if it would be possible to install FormBuilder as a plugin, activate it, set it up with different forms depending on Ad categories, and place a function in the ClassiPress dashboard through the step-functions.php file that allows us to select the FormBuilder as the master or default form builder instead of the ClassiPress method?
This value would be stored and in the Form/step1.php and the relevant follow-on "step" files the FormBuilder values would be substituted both in the initial build of the Ad and the calling up of the FormBuilder values.
Looking at the FormBuilder php files and ClassiPress it seems that there are two ways to get FormBuilder functionality into the ClassiPress installation--the one I mentioned seems kind of a shortcut to the other way of wholesale importing of FormBuilder into ClassiPress core files.