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Thread: How to show paid ads on the top of free ads on the pages?

  1. #1
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    danny80's Avatar
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    How to show paid ads on the top of free ads on the pages?


    I have set up ads to pay by categories and also I want the user would be able to post on the same categories as free, but I want if they paid for ad it shows o the top of the free ones same as Kijiji :
    I already bought the "FEATURED ULTIMATE PLUGIN" but it only puts featured ad on the top and the problem is you can set only one price for featured ad and you can not have different price for different categories.

    Also is it possible to have different price for featured ads the same way we have pricing in categories?

    Please some one help me to fix this.


  2. #2
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    Rolf Hassel (Samcy)

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