Something wrong with is_home in 3.1.6 ?
I use
is_home to make some changes in my design only on home page.
It was working in 3.1.5 but now in 3.1.6 I just don't understand what could be wrong, its just doing nothing. This is how I was removing price tag in 3.1.5
if ( is_home() ) {
// This is a homepage
} else { ?>
<div class="price-wrap">
<span class="tag-head"> </span><p class="post-price"><?php if ( get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'price', true ) ) cp_get_price_legacy( $post->ID ); else cp_get_price( $post->ID, 'cp_price' ); ?></p>
<?php }
this was working in 3.1.5 but now in 3.1.6 it doesn't.
I tried the simplest thing like
<div class="price-wrap <?php if (is_home) echo "test" ?>" >
but nothing! and if I try
<div class="price-wrap test">
this test shows in source code, so my FTP connection is fine and changes are made to the file on server.
Any ideas why is_home is not working for me?
Just to note, I have the same site on 3.1.5 where is_home is working and a new test version where I'm testing new releases before I made changes to my main site. They are both on the same web hosting, just the subdomain of the main domain.