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Thread: Website Title not showing

  1. #11
    dubya's Avatar
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    Re: Website Title not showing

    Hi Siobhan
    So, how do I get my site title, with just text, to show up somewhere where it can be seen? Perhaps a question more for David.
    By following my previous directions, the words will appear at the top left. You can change those words as you like in the WP admin area. The directions for removing the banner ad are also above. The result should look similar to this:

    No one likes it when things we are used to change, and I understand how you feel. Just as my 2006 Harley looks nothing like my Father's 1946 Harley, things change, and not always for the better (we both agree his '46 looks nicer, but my '06 works better).

    I have advised you to the best of my ability. If the above does not suit your needs, aside from reverting to 2.82, some custom php work to move the text to the right, may be your best option. Alas, my php skills are lacking, but it shouldn't be too difficult for someone who has a better knowledge of php.

    Perhaps someone else here can better help you with that...
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  2. #12
    Founder dcowgill's Avatar
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    Re: Website Title not showing

    ClassiPress was designed to have the site title and tagline in the top left. Of course you are more than welcome to change it however you like and the tutorial that Dubya included shows you how to remove the logo and replace it with your title & tagline. I plan on making this easier in the next version so you don't have to edit the code.

    You can also go another route and utilize the logo spot by creating your own. There are several sites out there and here is just one you can use for free.


  3. #13
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    Re: Website Title not showing

    Hi, David. Thanks for the reply. I just have a couple more questions. I will respond to certain lines.
    Quote Originally Posted by dcowgill
    ClassiPress was designed to have the site title and tagline in the top left.
    This was where my title was in v.2.8.2. I don't have an image, just using the blog title name. If I had a screen shot of the old version, I could show you what I mean by "I used to have my blog title showing and now I don't."
    Quote Originally Posted by dcowgill
    Of course you are more than welcome to change it however you like and the tutorial that Dubya included shows you how to remove the logo and replace it with your title & tagline.
    I don't want to change it. I want it the way it was in the last version. How come it was changed from pulling in the blog text to putting up a banner? For some of us non-techies, this is an issue.
    Plus, Dubya's tutorial did not seem to work in my case. I'm almost certain I put in the code exactly the way he suggested, but my blog title did not end up looking like his example he had me link to after. What happened when I put in the code he created was that my blog title showed, but where the login area (top right) was. It overwrote that space, which is not what I wanted. So, I had to go and get the clean code back and replace the header.php to fix it.
    Quote Originally Posted by dcowgill
    You can also go another route and utilize the logo spot by creating your own. There are several sites out there and here is just one you can use for free.
    I really appreciate that. Does everyone else using ClassiPress have a logo spot instead of just text? I'm just finding it strange that I'm the only one who seems to have a problem with this.
    Having to take the extra time to go and design a logo image is something I was going to do eventually -- however, with 3 potential classified ad sites just waiting to be launched now, and no way to just have my blog text show up as the title, this is a real inconvenience at this time. I haven't even taken a look at ad creation or anything else that other people are working with yet, because if my blog title doesn't show up, what's the use in advertising the site?

    I'm not a techno-phobe...just have worked in the technology sector/arena in end-user support and training for 20 years now, and have never wanted to be a programmer -- still don't. Dubya's statement to me around learning to accept change was the point where I chose to just stop communicating to anyone except you about this issue. Having been in the technology arena for 20 years, I have had nothing BUT change happen, and not always for the good.

    When a change in a program happens, from an end-user perspective, they want what they had, and better. If you take something away, there's an issue. If I can have my blog title show up before, and in other WordPress themes, how come all of a sudden it's not in this one anymore? That's my question.

    I'm waiting to be able to become an affiliate and share this software product with others, but I don't feel it's currently in a state where I feel comfortable recommending it.

    I support you in continuing work on this project 100%, and in the interim, I will go and do what I need to (ie logo creation) in order to get my classified ad site launched.

    Thanks for your time, and allowing me to vent a frustration. This isn't anything personal, I'm just a very busy person, and don't have time for this, or the money to pay somebody else to deal with it.

  4. #14
    Founder dcowgill's Avatar
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    Re: Website Title not showing

    I understand your frustration and the last thing I meant to do was remove a feature from the latest release. Based on the feedback and input from the community, ClassiPress took this new direction. Of course I can't make ClassiPress perfect for everyone and if not having your title on the right side is really bothering you, I can try and help.

    Did you save your previous classipress version by chance? Because you could just copy a certain part of the header over to the v2.9.2 header.php file to achive your old look.

  5. #15
    dubya's Avatar
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    Re: Website Title not showing

    PM sent.
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  6. #16
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    Re: Website Title not showing

    Thank you both for your responses.

    David, I wasn't looking for the title to be on the right side of the screen. That wasn't my issue.

    I just sent a PM back to Dubya. Thank you for your efforts on my behalf.

    I just went and created banners for my websites instead. I used your suggestion, David, about the free Web 2.0 banner creation, but then found a 14-day trial on banner software, so two of my sites are now up with those.

    I'm still having multiple other issues, and have asked for some kind of documentation that lists the issues (that affect all users here - not specialty items) and the fixes. Instead of scrolling through multiple issues on this forum - some of them only affecting one or two people, not the whole group -- and scrolling through the multiple replies, I imagine that as a developer of this software, you are recording somewhere the fixes that have been made so far for the next version you will be putting out. It would save me time if I could either get a copy of the issue and the fix to date, or updated versions of the .php files, so I can copy and paste them into my sites. I have more than one site using ClassiPress -- none of them up and operating yet -- so it is really, really important that I get the system up and running as quickly as possible, and as cleanly as possible, so that I can 'launch' my sites asap.

    I would appreciate any assistance with this.

    Thanks for your consideration of my issues, and the willingness to resolve them.

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