Clipper 1.3.1 Upgrade, Issues which need to be fixed
Firstly i would like to Thank You for giving an option to Hide Coupon in Clipper. This was long awaited mod which lots of customers and wanna be customers of AppThemes were looking for.
I have upgraded the theme and tested the Hide Coupon feature, it seems there are few issues with Hide Coupon feature.
1. Once you click on the coupon the Coupon Code is not getting copied to Clipboard.
2. After clicking on coupon in store page (ex: if store has more than 1 coupon) only 1 coupon is revealed and the other coupons will show the same thing "SHOW COUPON CODE". So, i think it should be changed as user gets irritated by clicking on coupon that many times. It's not a Major issue, but thought it would help.