Flux theme not correctly working with Jobroller 1.7.0 Beta
I know Jobroller 1.7.0 is still in beta, but for testing purposes that I need to do before the release is, I have installed the beta on my website.
When the install is done it seems to be working correctly with the Flux Template, but when I want to add/edit a job/resume it only shows me a blank field.
I have disabled all my plugins and I've switched back to the default Jobroller theme, and that works.
But when I activatie the Flux template after that, the problem caused again.
I really want to test 1.7.0 for testing purposes, but without a working theme, this is hard to do.
Is this a wellknown problem and is there a solution OR is it better to wait for the full version of Jobroller?
I appreciate any help of you.
Best Regards,
(Note: I'm Dutch, so my English will not be that best as it need to be. My apologizes.)