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Thread: Customer being asked to pay again and people not logged in commenting on ads.

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer cj5hardy's Avatar
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    Customer being asked to pay again and people not logged in commenting on ads.


    On my classipress theme, I have 3 issues.
    1. I (live) subscribed to my page. (Paid the $1 for one year plan/unlimited listings) I was then able to create a listing (I want only paid subscribers to post and reply to ads). I noticed on the profile page for my test customer, that there was a Purchase Membership block. I clicked on it, and it went to Purchase Membership again. Can anyone explain why it would not recognize that I already purchased the subscription?
    2. While logged into the test account, if I click on create listing, it goes to the Purchase Membership page. Again, not recognizing that I have already paid for this service.
    3. While logged out of the account and on the live page, I was able to find the listing from the test account, and leave a comment. I would like only those who are logged in to be able to leave comments. How do I fix this?

    Thank you for any help you can provide.

  2. #2
    Moderator ovidiubica's Avatar
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  3. #3
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