Differences demo vs. standard installation
Hello out there,
finaly new version arrived and itīs amazing. Great work!!
Unfortunately Iīve got a BIG problem with the new version - I tried twice with the same result.
After installing on a new/fresh wordpress-test-environment I see other homepage-elements than in demo under wpclassipress.com/demo/
Search box is missing in right sidebar and also "from the blog"-Box. In my sidebar there are only boxes for "welcome and join", "blogroll", "meta".
The footer is empty (in demo there are about us/recent comment/blogroll/meta). Thereīs only a dotted row and the line with copyright information.
Because I like layout of demo very much and miss SEARCH-function I have to ask for this. Would be great and usefull when standard installation shows same result as demo.
What must be done to get the same look/arrangement like demo homepage.
Thanks for your advise!! Maybe Im blind or stupid today...

Think Itīs my fault and not a bug...?!
BR webmango