Help needed urgently
Hello all,
on a fresh install of Classipress I have a huge problem.
When posting and ad or buying a membership the preview is generated but instead of going to a payment screen the system goes straight to a summary / thank you page.
No payments can be done. I am now running on
WP 6.1 after having tried 4.7.2, but the problem does not change at all. I had hoped it was a
WP compatability problem. I have CP 3.5.8, and besides Pronamic iDeal no other plugins installed. When testing the payment configuration on my dashboard it works.
The website itself is completely new, the old one has been deleted both through the ISP and by FTP. So it is a bug inside Classipress I guess. Also when I amnot using the Pronamic Plugin and just have a bank-transfer as the only payment-method I have exactly the same problem.
As I have this issue inside three websites and two of the were due to go online days ago I hope anyone knows how to solve this.