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Thread: Playing with custom structures

  1. #1
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    classijm's Avatar
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    Playing with custom structures

    Hi there. Just installed Classipress and I'm in the "custom structure" part. I wanted to setup the recommended custom structure /%postname%/ but then I was wondering if this could help me with a concern I had about Classipress not including the city name and price in the title like Craigslist does. I can live without the price in the title but I really wanted the city name to be included in the title or at least in the url.

    I don't know too much about custom structures but do you think this could help me with the issue I have above? You know, Craigslist display titles with city names like this: (at least their feeds)

    Generator for sale (houston, texas) $495

    I know custom structures won't help with the title but is there any way to include the city name in the urls for search engine optimization purposes? I mean, I would like the search engines to know that my classifieds site is all about this specific city.

    Maybe something like this:
    I don't know... Any suggestions or clarifications?


  2. #2
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