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Thread: Cannot get Clipper theme installed properly

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer eagle1621's Avatar
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    Cannot get Clipper theme installed properly

    I have followed the Install directions and when I click to activate the Clipper theme, my screen goes white and this address in the title bar appears after my domain name and the wp-admin: I am able to get back in to the admin panel by going to my live web page and going to the dashboard through my saved login information. But then I do 1-2 clicks in my dashboard and the screen goes white again and same occurs. I have tried uninstalling wordpress and reinstalling wordpress and the plugin/theme several times....cleared my cache and browser history, just in case that was causing this and it still happened. I really need help getting this fixed asap....I'm on a deadline to get this website up and running. Why does this keep happening? I see the Clipper theme active in my live website, but it keeps taking down my wp-admin area and turning screen white with that particular address that pops up suddenly. Now it is even showing a 404 error.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quick update...just tried logging in and looks like it is working now. Weird...

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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